Sunday, February 9, 2020

Ice graveyard, moving art and shiny shoes

It's been a little bit since i have posted about my wonderful wife. Since the last post, we have had trips to Georgia, home cooked meals and weekend pajama parties (no guests.) The winter has been very warm and cozy. We are becoming cat ladies now with two inside ones and an outside one that talks up a storm to Satu, but runs away as soon as I poke my head around the corner.

Satu keeps herself busy. The last time it snowed, she painstakingly chipped up huge slabs of ice from the driveway and erected an ice graveyard along the side yard. When I came come at night, my headlights made long spooky shadows out of the jagged ice cemetery. For some reason, good enough is never good enough for Satu. Her shoveled driveways have to be completely flat with smooth lines along the edges. Her towels must be hung up wrinkle free, and her bread must be cut into triangles.

She's wonderful, quirky and she likes things the way she likes them. If it can't be alphabetized or color coded, then it will be grouped by theme. I bring so much chaos into that. I can not be grouped with anything else in her life, I have nothing but wrinkled edges and I barely know my colors. Still I feel loved and prized beyond anything else in her life.

Tonight she made me soup when my back knotted up and I had to move around the living room like a broken old lady. She drew me a bath and spent all day with me being still and watching TV.

Last week she made two pairs of my shoes look brand new again. I didn't even ask, she just did things for me for no reason. She's been keeping peace at the house and making sure everyone here gets the pats they need and the love she expresses differently to all of us. For the dog, it's gentle pats on the chest and tossing the toys about when he trots around the house with his tail up.

Basie has a spot to curl up and take shelter on the chair next to Satu. She gets a little rough-housing in the evening when she's feeling up to it.

She burbles softly to the kitten all day, giving him rides about the house on her back and keeping him out of harms way.

We have a fun home to come home to. Satu created a sculpture that sways gently in the wind and hangs from another sculpture over our TV. She needs to keep our private little world happy and alive by bringing new wonder to it from time to time. For me,  it's wonderful anytime she is here.

This Friday is Valentine's day. I think it will be our 13th together. Though neither of us care much about the holiday, I can't imagine ever spending it anywhere but in our warm home with her. I no longer really care that much about the things I cared about when I was young. I don't worry about what I am going to do next, as long as I can always do it with her.

Lately I have started thinking of what we might be like when we are old. Like when we are retired and I can't see at all and Satu has more grey hair than brown. I always imagine us laughing. It's what we do best together. We see the world in completely different ways, but we are the same enough to get the other's jokes immediately. She surprises me every day of our lives in a delightful, just starting to get to know you kind of way, but I feel like I have always been with her. I feel like myself when we are together and a little distant from the world when she isn't with me.

Satu, I hope you will be with me until we are strange, laughing old ladies, there is no one else I'd rather share these laughs with. The best years are ahead.